Phone: (206) 706-7800 | Fax: (206) 706-7803 | Mon - Fri: 7:30AM - 7PM | Saturday: 8AM - 4PM | Sunday: Closed
We will gladly prepare a written estimate if you desire. Please ask any staff member.
I have been referred to this practice by the above Dr at the above veterinary clinic/hospital and consider him/her to be my primary care veterinarian. I understand that I am seeing Dr. Lamb for rehabilitation purposes only. Dr. Lamb will communicate with my primary care veterinarian and if she feels that any non-emergency veterinary diagnostics are needed I will return to my primary care veterinarian to receive these services.
I agree that I will not seek veterinary medical services, diagnostic support and/or request any other veterinary support, other than that related to physical rehabilitation, from Dr. Lamb or Sunset Hill Veterinary & Rehabilitation Center.
I grant Sunset Hill Veterinary & Rehabilitation Center, its representatives and employees the permission to take pictures and/or video of me and/or my pet(s), and to use, copyright, and/or publish the same in print and/or electronically.
I agree that Sunset Hill Veterinary & Rehabilitation Center may use such pictures and/or video of me and/or my pet(s) with or without the name(s) of my pet(s) and/or my name and for any lawful purpose, including, for example, such purposes as educational, publicity, advertising, and Web content.
I, the undersigned, care giver of the pet listed above have read, understand, and agree to the stipulations in the underwater treadmill policy.